I have chosen the Multi-Tasking algorithm (concurrency of processes) from among the operating system algorithms. Previously, I found the idea of the operating system handling tasks concurrently fascinating, so this time, I decided to implement this algorithm myself. In this…
Tree Coding! Join us on this educational journey through the world of data structures and discover the elegance and utility of Red-Black Trees, AVL Trees, Huffman Code Trees, Min Heaps, and B-Trees. Red-Black Tree 🔴⚫️ The Red-Black Tree is a…
Visit GitHub for python code. Image Compression Process: Define quantization matrix and cosine transform matrix. Load and preprocess the input image. Extract red, green, and blue channels. Apply cosine transform to each channel. Apply quantization and compress using run-length compression….
We were tasked with creating a Python interpreter for a programming language known as SPPL (Simple Paint Programming Language).SPPL enables users to write code that generates images based on their instructions. The interpreter is hosted on a server, and clients…
Solving the 8-puzzle problem with DFS (depth-first-search) -BFS (breadth-first-search) -IDS (Itterative-deepening-search) -UCS (uniform-cost-search) -A* (GitHub) Problem Components: States: Configuration of tiles in a 3×3 numpy array. Operators (Actions): Moving the blank tile up, down, left, or right. Goal Test: Verify…
This C++ program implements the Tableaux Algorithm and constructs the Tableaux Tree for Propositional Logic.It allows you to input a propositional formula and a set of variables, and then checks whether the formula is a tautology using botha truth table…
This is a compiler's course project. The goal is to design a compiler for the Classroom Object Oriented Language(COOL). To warm up, I programmed a stack machine using the COOL language in the first part of the project. Later on,…
Overview This project focuses on the development of a CPP application that integrates SQL queries and file-based database management. The application, which functions as a Twitter-like platform, allows users to interact with a client-side interface, view menus, access and post…
Exploring reinforcement learning concepts and solve a maze problem. Discusses model state determination, techniques for state reduction, impact of learning rate (α), and impact of discount factor (Îł) on decision-making and convergence. (GitHub) Model State Determination and Reduction: Number of…
Multilayer Perceptron, Neural Network & Polynomial Regression from scratch. (Github) In this project we weren't allowed to use ML libraries. Classification Perceptron Analysis Description: Explore problem categorization in ML using Mitchell's perspective. Evaluate tasks, implement the Pocket algorithm-based Perceptron modelfor…
Financial portfolio analysis and risk management project. Utilize daily closing price data to analyze company performance in Tehran Stock Market. portfolio optimization, risk measures, and asset pricing models.(Github) Descriptive Statistics and Performance Analysis: Calculate average and standard deviation of daily…
Implementing both an Assembler and a Disassembler in both Python and Assembly language during my Assembly course project. This project aimed to explore the intricate process of converting assembly instructions into machine code and vice versa, providing valuable insights into…
This project aims to classify five classes of grapevine leaves using pre-trained models and transfer learning techniques. By leveraging the power of autoencoders, we explore the impact of dimensionality reduction and data augmentation by image generation on classification accuracy. The…
Classification using Decision Tree, KNN, SVM, & Random Forest with PCA for Maternal Health Risk Dataset and Parkinson's Disease. Clustering using Lloyd'sk-means, FuzzyC-means, and DBSCAN on a dataset of points on a 2d plane. The Elbow method used to find…
Genetic Algorithm to solve TSP. Memetic Algorithm to solve N queens problem. Ant colony optimization for Assignment Problem. Simulated Annealing for cutting stock problem. Particle Swarm Optimization for finding global optimum. Self Organizing Map for TSP. Github
An implementation of a basic computer architecture based on the principles outlined in the classic textbook "Computer System Architecture", Morris Mano. The implementation is carried out using Logisim, a digital logic simulator.(Github) Features Architecture: The implemented computer architecture follows the…
I had a great opportunity to presenting about AI's latest's developments in economic department of our university. This presentation holed in…
In the Bio-Inspired Algorithms class, I explored the application of three algorithms—Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, and Tabu Search—to solve the cutting…
My presentation on Lambda Calculus and its corresponding JavaScript orders was as a part of my studies in the Theory of…
Economic complexity focuses on understanding the diversity and sophistication of a country's economic activities. In the Linear Algebra class with Professor…