
This project focuses on the development of a CPP application that integrates SQL queries and file-based database management. The application, which functions as a Twitter-like platform, allows users to interact with a client-side interface, view menus, access and post tweets, and perform various other actions. Users can create tweets, search for tweets, like tweets, comment on tweets, and engage in private messaging with friends.


Client-Server Communication: The application employs a client-server architecture, where the client-side application handles user requests and displays menus and tweets.

SQL Queries for Database Interaction: To manage data stored in the file-based database on server, the client application generates SQL queries and sends them to the server
for processing.

File Database Management: The server-side application is responsible for storing and managing the database files. Upon receiving valid requests from clients,
the server retrieves or updates data in the database accordingly by processing each SQL query.

More detail in GitHub.

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