8 Puzzle Problem-Different Search Algorithms

Solving the 8-puzzle problem with DFS (depth-first-search) -BFS (breadth-first-search) -IDS (Itterative-deepening-search) -UCS (uniform-cost-search) -A* (GitHub)

Problem Components:

  1. States: Configuration of tiles in a 3×3 numpy array.
  2. Operators (Actions): Moving the blank tile up, down, left, or right.
  3. Goal Test: Verify if the puzzle is solved.
  4. Path Cost: Count of actions taken to reach the goal state.
  5. Transition Model: Describes state changes after an action.

Heuristic Function:

  1. Best heuristic: Manhattan distance with zero distance tiles removed.
  2. Admissibility and consistency explained.

Algorithm Comparison:

  1. A* Algorithm: Optimal solution finder using heuristic and path cost.
  2. Uniform Cost Search (UCS): Slow and memory-intensive.
  3. Iterative Deepening Search (IDS): Slower with lower memory usage.
  4. Breadth-First Search (BFS): Slightly slower with higher memory usage.

A* Performance:

  1. Outperforms other algorithms in time and memory efficiency.
  2. Uses heuristic and path cost for node priority.
  3. Prunes search tree effectively and finds optimal solution.

Other Algorithms:

  1. UCS lacks heuristic guidance, leading to slower search.
  2. IDS and BFS also lack heuristic guidance, resulting in even slower search and higher memory usage.

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